We offer a range of courses and services.

Choose between six-hour, twelve-hour, or bespoke courses.

Improve your specific English skills with our professional language services.


Each of our courses has a specific aim and is available as a six hour and a twelve hour course, depending on the level of detail you prefer.

The syllabuses are outlined below so that you can get a better idea of the content of each course.

If you can't find what you are looking for, get in touch with us and we can put a bespoke course together, just for your needs.

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Our services go above an beyond what you would expect and contain a core learning component. We don't just correct the work we proofread, we also provide you with the changes in track and explain each.

Through our services, you can learn to improve the quality of your work with each iteration, so eventually you won't need us.

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Students will send more concise, appropriate, and professional emails.

Lesson One

Introduction and time etiquette

Lesson Two

Addressing conventions.

Lesson Three

Formatting a professional looking email

Lesson Four

Reviewing and editing emails

Lesson Five

Hello dear and best regards: starting and ending emails

Lesson Six

Politeness and purpose finding the balance

Report Writing

Students will develop the skills to write concise, easy to read and accurate reports.

Lesson One

Format and reports in your organisation (student challenges)

Lesson Two

Sentencing and tone

Lesson Three

Organising and paragraphing

Lesson Four

Concluding and recommendations

Lesson Five

Starting and introducing

Lesson Six

Proofing and amending

IELTS Preparation

Students will understand the format of the IELTS exam and be better able to complete the four parts.

Lesson One

IELTS overview

Lesson Two


Lesson Three


Lesson Four

Writing Part 1

Lesson Five


Lesson Six

Writing Part 2

Learning to learn

Students will develop skills to improve language autonomously.

Lesson One

Improving spoken accuracy

Lesson Two

Expanding vocabulary, recording and reviewing

Lesson Three

Tools for translation, drafting and checking writing

Lesson Four

Improving your spoken fluency

Lesson Five

Reading resources and techniques

Lesson Six

Listening resources and techniques

Video Conferencing

Students will be able to communicate effectively on conference calls and develop turn-taking techniques.

Lesson One

Types of meeting and different communication strategies

Lesson Two

To camera or not to camera

Lesson Three

Starting and ending

Lesson Four


Lesson Five

Asking questions politely

Lesson Six

Role play: Putting it into action

Networking, Diplomacy & Socialising

Students will develop language and skills to make contacts and build beneficial relationships with others even in challenging situations.

Lesson One

Introducing yourself

Lesson Two

Making introductions

Lesson Three

Making your excuses

Lesson Four

Expressing disagreement

Lesson Five

Rules and etiquette

Lesson Six

Exchanging details and following up


Students will learn to write precise and effective summaries to make the right impression in a wide range of contexts.

Lesson One

Reading and understanding the main message

Lesson Two

Understanding the writer’s intention and reason for writing

Lesson Three

Identifying key information

Lesson Four


Lesson Five


Lesson Six

Language for reporting

Telephoning with Confidence

Students will learn and practise telephoning skills like starting and ending calls to make them more efficient and confident on the phone.

Lesson One

Identifying challenges of telephoning

Lesson Two

Answering and ending

Lesson Three

Showing you are listening

Lesson Four

Breakdowns: Asking for clarification / repetitions

Lesson Five

Summarising what you have been told

Lesson Six

Role plays and review of learning

Language for Sales

Students will learn persuasive language and techniques to help them create trust and connect with customers.

Lesson One

Describing your product or service

Lesson Two

Active listening

Lesson Three

Identifying a prospective clients’ needs

Lesson Four

Matching your product or service with the clients’ needs

Lesson Five

Setting out the next steps or customer journey

Lesson Six

Business specific difficulties and problem solving

CELTA Preparation

Students will have a better understanding of the key aspects the English teaching classroom

Lesson One

The teacher’s role and rapport

Lesson Two

Checking concepts

Lesson Three

Monitoring and feedback

Lesson Four

Classroom management

Lesson Five

Lesson cycles and task progression

Lesson Six

Lesson aims and lesson planning

English for Management

Students will be better able to perform key management duties in English.

Lesson One

Giving spoken updates

Lesson Two

Answering difficult questions

Lesson Three


Lesson Four

Difficult conversations

Lesson Five

Writing performance reviews

Lesson Six

Professional development


Students will send more concise, appropriate, and professional emails.

Lesson One

Introduction and time etiquette

Lesson Two

Addressing conventions

Lesson Three

Formatting a professional looking email

Lesson Four

Reviewing and editing emails

Lesson Five

Hello dear and best regards: starting and ending emails

Lesson Six

Politeness and purpose finding the balance

Lesson Seven

Sentence structure and keeping the meaning clear

Lesson Eight

Useful expression swap shop: finding language appropriate to your context

Lesson Nine

Planning an email and quick responses

Lesson Ten

Authentic examples workshop

Lesson Eleven

Adding a touch of class: Participle clauses

Lesson Twelve

Online resources, review and personal objectives

Report Writing

Students will develop the skills to write concise, easy to read and accurate reports.

Lesson One

Format and reports in your organisation (student challenges)

Lesson Two

Report aims and understanding the reader

Lesson Three

Planning your report and amending your plan

Lesson Four

Sentencing and tone

Lesson Five

Organising and paragraphing

Lesson Six

Teamworking and delegating: Creating a practice report

Lesson Seven

Concluding and recommendations

Lesson Eight

Starting and introducing

Lesson Nine

Citations and referencing sources

Lesson Ten

Evaluating sources in a digital age

Lesson Eleven

Proofing and amending

Lesson Twelve

Reflection on learning and review of lesson 1 student challenges

IELTS Preparation

Students will understand the format of the IELTS exam and be better able to complete the four parts.

Lesson One

IELTS overview

Lesson Two

Speaking: Overview and Part 1

Lesson Three

Reading: Task types

Lesson Four

Listening: Task types

Lesson Five

Writing: Task 1

Lesson Six

Reading: Question techniques and practice

Lesson Seven

Listening: Question techniques and practice

Lesson Eight

Writing: Task 2

Lesson Nine

Speaking: Part 2 and 3

Lesson Ten

Mock Writing exam

Lesson Eleven

LesMock Speaking and Writing feedback

Lesson Twelve

Speaking feedback, review and reflection

Learning to Learn

Students will develop skills to improve language autonomously.

Lesson One

Setting challenges and goals

Lesson Two

Improving spoken accuracy

Lesson Three


Lesson Four

Expanding vocabulary, recording, and reviewing

Lesson Five

Improving your spoken fluency

Lesson Six

Tools for translation, drafting and checking writing

Lesson Seven

Noticing and removing mental blocks

Lesson Eight

Reading resources

Lesson Nine

Reading techniques

Lesson Ten

Listening resources

Lesson Eleven

Listening techniques

Lesson Twelve

Reviewing and measuring your learning

Video Conferencing

Students will be able to communicate effectively on conference calls and develop turn-taking techniques.

Lesson One

Identifying your needs and modes of communication

Lesson Two

Types of meeting and different communication strategies

Lesson Three


Lesson Four

To camera or not to camera

Lesson Five

Moderating, leading, and guiding

Lesson Six

Using the chat box

Lesson Seven

Starting and ending

Lesson Eight


Lesson Nine

Turn taking

Lesson Ten

Asking questions politely

Lesson Eleven

Role play: Putting it into action

Lesson Twelve

Review of learning and drafting of action plans

Networking, Diplomacy & Socialising

Students will develop language and skills to make contacts and build beneficial relationships with others even in challenging situations.

Lesson One

Introducing yourself

Lesson Two

Making introductions

Lesson Three

Making your excuses

Lesson Four

Expressing disagreement

Lesson Five

Building a shared purpose

Lesson Six

Make it personal, build a connection

Lesson Seven

Rules and etiquette

Lesson Eight

Exchanging details and following up

Lesson Nine

Representing your organisation

Lesson Ten

Being succinct and giving a clear message

Lesson Eleven

Inspiring others

Lesson Twelve

Roleplay and review of learning


Students will learn to write precise and effective summaries to make the right impression in a wide range of contexts.

Lesson One

Reading and understanding the main message

Lesson Two

Understanding the writer’s intention and reason for writing

Lesson Three

Identifying key information

Lesson Four


Lesson Five


Lesson Six

Topic sentences and paragraphing

Lesson Seven

Language for reporting

Lesson Eight

Structuring a summary using discourse markers

Lesson Nine

Editing a summary

Lesson Ten

Summarising quickly

Lesson Eleven

Writing practice: A mini saga

Lesson Twelve

Feedback, review of learning and setting objectives

Telephoning with Confidence

Students will learn and practise telephoning skills like starting and ending calls to make them more efficient and confident on the phone.

Lesson One

Identifying challenges of telephoning

Lesson Two

Outbound calls: setting objectives

Lesson Three

Inbound calls: Directing the caller

Lesson Four

Answering and ending

Lesson Five

Showing you are listening

Lesson Six

Telephone discourse – finishing your turn

Lesson Seven

Summarising what you have been told

Lesson Eight

Checking details

Lesson Nine

Breakdowns: Asking for clarification / repetitions

Lesson Ten

Arranging a follow up

Lesson Eleven

Extended role plays

Lesson Twelve

Review of learning and setting of objectives

Language for Sales

Students will learn persuasive language and techniques to help them create trust and connect with customers.

Lesson One

Identifying learning needs and setting course goals

Lesson Two

Describing your product or service

Lesson Three

Active listening

Lesson Four

Identifying a prospective clients’ needs

Lesson Five

Summarising clients’ needs

Lesson Six

Matching your product or service with the clients’ needs

Lesson Seven

Setting out the next steps or customer journey

Lesson Eight

Writing a sales email

Lesson Nine

Opening and closing a sales call

Lesson Ten

Sales using video conferencing

Lesson Eleven

Business specific difficulties and problem solving

Lesson Twelve

Review of learning and setting of objectives

CELTA Preparation

Students will have a better understanding of the key aspects the English teaching classroom.

Lesson One

The teacher’s role and rapport

Lesson Two

Checking concepts

Lesson Three


Lesson Four

Monitoring and feedback

Lesson Five

Grammar: Key concepts

Lesson Six

Vocabulary: Key concepts

Lesson Seven

Classroom management

Lesson Eight

Lesson cycles and task progression

Lesson Nine

Skills in English: giving practice

Lesson Ten

Resources: using technology

Lesson Eleven


Lesson Twelve

Lesson aims and lesson planning


Teaching materials

English for Management

Students will be better able to perform key management duties in English.

Lesson One

Identifying learning needs and setting course goals

Lesson Two

Writing performance reviews

Lesson Three

Business and organisational ethics

Lesson Four

Difficult conversations

Lesson Five


Lesson Six

Giving spoken updates

Lesson Seven

Professional development

Lesson Eight

Managing upwards

Lesson Nine

Answering difficult questions

Lesson Ten

Setting an example: gender neutral language

Lesson Eleven

Writing references

Lesson Twelve

Lesson description dolor, sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.


Review of learning and setting of objectives


Studying online with Starling Skills meant I was able to continue to improve my English during the pandemic.

The classes help me speak confidently and I feel comfortable to express myself. I really like the way we are given feedback on our mistakes. It means there is no fear and we enjoy the course.
Batool Shwaiter, Marketing Executive


Language Diagnostics


We send you a link to an online reading and writing test.


You complete the one-hour test at a time that suits you.


We meet online where our expert language examiners will assess your level and discuss your needs and goals for your English.


We will send you a detailed report of your language level against the CEFR levels and suggested areas where you can develop.

Optional extra

We can send you a signed declaration certificate of your language level. (While the certificate is a fantastic affordable way to demonstrate your language competency for work purposes, it cannot be used for visa applications or university entrance)

CV proofing


Send us your CV. If you don’t have one or would prefer to start from scratch. We can send you a template.


We will improve your CV’s vocabulary, grammar, structure, and format


We meet online and work together to improve your CV to make sure it makes the biggest impact and showcases your experience and skills.

Optional extra

Our graphic designer will format and improve the appearance of your CV, so it will never be ignored.

Presentation Practice


Send us your presentation PowerPoint / Prezi / Participant materials.


We will proof the supporting documents and give you written feedback on how to improve them.


You make edits to your material.


We meet online where you will give your presentation. We give you feedback on:

  • • Your presentation overall
  • • Your delivery and pronunciation
  • • Your grammar and vocabulary
  • • How you interact with your audience
  • • How you use your visual aids and presentation
  • • Timing

You give your presentation again and we will ask questions as you expect your audience to do.

Optional extra

Our graphic designer will format and improve the appearance of your presentation documents.

We arrange a post-prestation meeting where we can discuss how the presentation went and set learning goals for your next presentation.

Job interview practice


You send us the role profile and relevant information about the job.


We create a job interview.


We meet online and practice your job interview.

We give you feedback on your answers and tips to develop your responses.

We repeat until you feel ready.

Optional extra

We arrange a post-interview consultation where we can discuss how the interview went and set learning goals for your next interview.

Proof reading


You send us your draft.


We send you a free quote.


You decide if you wish to proceed.


We proof your document making tracked changes and comments.


We meet online and work together to make your document perfect.

Optional extra

Our graphic designer will format and improve the appearance of your document.

Team building


We meet online to discuss the dynamics of your group.


We create a programme of activities for you that promote language practice, skills development, critical thinking, team working and digital literacy.


We deliver a fun day of varied tasks and activities that will bring your team together and develop their communication skills.

Get in touch with us

If you are interested in any of our courses or services, feel free to send us a message and we can work together to find the right solution for you.

Send us an email to info@starlingskills.com or book a consultation using the calendar below and we can discuss what works best for you.

Once you've sent us a message, do check your spam folder from time to time. Unfortunately, this is where our emails sometimes end up.

You can also contact us on Twitter or .